Wednesday, October 17, 2007

The treatment for genital warts with castor oil

Castor oil is an other natural treatment for genital warts . Not only warts, but this fabulous oil is also proven to be very effective in the treatment of many other skin diseses and many digestive problems.

The only problem with castor oil when applied to the skin is its bad smell. But that should not be a problem since the smell cen be covered by the use of lemon oil or peppermint oil to produce a better scent.

To use castor oil to treat genital warts, you have to rub it into the warts on the daily basis until the warts disappear.

Generally, the treatment for genital warts with castor oil requires a good deal of pascience and consistency on the user end, but the effeciency of the oil makes it well worth the effort. Moreover, the castor oil does not harm the healthy skin, so there nothing to worry about.

See also :

Homeopathic treatment for genital warts :

Monday, October 8, 2007

Topical treatment for genital warts

This type of treatment for genital warts consits on applying a medicine to the surface of the warts.

The most known topical prescriptions for genital warts are: Imiquimod cream, podofilox cream, Tricholoroacetic acid (and bichloroacetic acid) and efudex.

Imiquimod (marketed under the name of Aldara) acts by triggering an immune system response to the tissues it has been applied to. So when applied to the tissues of the genital warts, the immune system attacks them and destroys them. This cream can be self-administred.

Podofilox like the imiquimod, this is an other cream that can be self-administred to cure external genital warts. But how exactly this medicine operates is still unclear.

Trichloroacetic acid (TCA) and Bichloroacetic acid (BCA) act by destoying the proteins of the cells that make up the warts' tissues. The downside of these two medicnes is that they also kill normal healthy cells. And that's why only a qualified health care physician can apply them.

Efudex is also used in the treatment of ceratin cases of cancer. It acts by preventing the multiplication of warts' cells by preventing the formation of their DNA.

Related reading:
Finding a safe home treatment for genital warts

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Surgical treatment for genital warts

There are more than just one possible surgical treatment for genital warts available today. The most known and used methods are the surgical excision, cryosurgery, laser treatment and electrosurgery.

In some cases the surgeon can use scisors or a scalpel to perform a surgical excistion to remove the genital warts. especially when there are large lesions involving the urethral meatus (the opening through which urine is discharged). This inteventions requires anesthesia (local or general depending on the size of the lesion) and since large genital warts are highly vascular, surgical hemostasis instruments are also required to avoid hemorrage.

The second surgical treatment for genital warts is called electrocautery. This method consists on applying a hot instrument to the warts to burn them off. Electricity flows through the instrument to produce the necessary heat to burn the warts and seal the blood vessels. local anesthesia is required here as well.

The third method is called cryosurgery (or cryotherapy). This method involves freezing the warts using liquid nitrogene (-196°C) for a few seconds to induce damage to the warts tissues and get rid of them. the distructive effect is very rapid and results are immediate. this surgery can be painful for some people, but it doesn't require anesthesia.

The fourth and last method is laser treatment. the surgeon targets the infected areas using a laser to burn the wart and seal the blood vessels. It is similar to the electrocautery except thet it involves the use of laser instead of electricity.

Read also :

Genital warts treatment info :

Homeopathic treatment for genital warts :

About “treatment for genital warts”

Genital warts or what’s scientifically known as condylomata aruminate is the most widely spread sexually transmitted disease. It is caused by the human papamillo virus (HPV).

There are several ways to treat the warts. Some involve herbs, some involve topical creams and some involve surgery.

In this blog, I will try to inform you about the multiple ways in which you can treat your genital warts.

My name is Dave Lecky and you can join me at:
dave.lecky @